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Time Lottery
Time Lottery

Time Lottery


3.50 (383 ratings)
What if you had a chance to go back in time and relive one decisive moment that changed the course of your life? Now, there is a way: The Time Lottery. The result of 22 years of scientific research, it's finally ready for the public. Three winners of this unique marriage between marketing and time-travel technology ear the chance to travel back into their alternate reality-their Alternity-to relive one moment they've always wished they could revisit that what-if question that plagues them. But when one man murders a Time Lottery winner then takes his place, another tries to collect life insurance on his wife who's now in the past, and the police clamor to shut down the whole enterprise, it's time God to get involved. Or maybe He's been in on this whole thing from the beginning, using it for His own redemptive purposes all along the way...
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