Three Against Hitler
by Jerry Borrowman and Rudi Wobbe
A compelling true story of three LDS teens fight for freedom. "Rudi Wobbe: Charged with Preparation to High Treason and Aiding and Abetting the Enemy." Thus began the trial of Rudi Wobbe and two of his teenage friends as they stood before the justices of the dreaded Voksgerichtshof, the infamous supreme court of Nazi Germany. All the power and indignation of the Third Reich now focused on these three young men who dared to distribute the truth about the war to their neighbors. If found guilty, they faced imprisonment, and perhaps even death. Why did they do it? Because the teachings of their parents and the Church taught them to respect individual liberty and to rely on their conscience in choosing between right and wrong. Now their naive confidence was shaken by the torture they'd endured at the hands of the Gestapo. Yet, their brilliant young leader, Helmuth Huebener, whose intelligence and conviction stood out like a beacon of truth in the oppressive courtroom, faced his accusers with confidence. It was his finest moment ... would it be his last?
Release Date:
May 31, 2002