The Truth Lucy Spoke : A Novella
by Penelope J Bristol
Doing the right thing, can make your life a living hell.
Sometimes, adults refuse to take responsibility for themselves.
There is no coming back from suicide.
“Hey, Mom,” Lucy said quietly. “You're up early for a Saturday morning.”Dianna was startled to see Lucy standing in the threshold of the kitchen and nervously cleared her throat before smoothing her hair back, away from her unmade face. Her youngest daughter was wearing an oversized sweatshirt, black leggings, and knee-high, rainbow fuzzy socks pulled up over her calves. Dianna wondered if this was in style or just Lucy being incredibly unfashionable, she didn’t bother asking and went back to stirring her cold coffee. “I heard you talking to Anne last night,” Lucy said. “She got mad and left, didn’t she?”Dianna stopped breathing momentarily, and locked eyes with her youngest daughter. She instantly replayed the entire night in her mind. She saw Lucy and Finn tucked safely away in Lucy's room. She remembered Anne sitting with her at the table, voices low, their discussion brief. She thought back to John, and how he had arrived home much later in the evening, after Anne stormed out. Then it hit her, like the force of a massive freight train.She remembered Finn wandering into the kitchen and asking where Lucy had gone. Dianna was so preoccupied with texting Anne to come back to the house; she had just sent Finn home, not concerning herself with where Lucy was or why she had suddenly left the house. Could Lucy have overheard her conversation with Anne last night? It made sense that she would be upset. Suddenly, Dianna began to shake.Lucy puts the pieces of a traumatic childhood memory together when a shocking secret, shared by her mom and sister, is revealed. With so many people she loves involved, the truth might end up costing Lucy-everything.
The Truth Lucy Spoke is a novella.
Sometimes, adults refuse to take responsibility for themselves.
There is no coming back from suicide.
“Hey, Mom,” Lucy said quietly. “You're up early for a Saturday morning.”Dianna was startled to see Lucy standing in the threshold of the kitchen and nervously cleared her throat before smoothing her hair back, away from her unmade face. Her youngest daughter was wearing an oversized sweatshirt, black leggings, and knee-high, rainbow fuzzy socks pulled up over her calves. Dianna wondered if this was in style or just Lucy being incredibly unfashionable, she didn’t bother asking and went back to stirring her cold coffee. “I heard you talking to Anne last night,” Lucy said. “She got mad and left, didn’t she?”Dianna stopped breathing momentarily, and locked eyes with her youngest daughter. She instantly replayed the entire night in her mind. She saw Lucy and Finn tucked safely away in Lucy's room. She remembered Anne sitting with her at the table, voices low, their discussion brief. She thought back to John, and how he had arrived home much later in the evening, after Anne stormed out. Then it hit her, like the force of a massive freight train.She remembered Finn wandering into the kitchen and asking where Lucy had gone. Dianna was so preoccupied with texting Anne to come back to the house; she had just sent Finn home, not concerning herself with where Lucy was or why she had suddenly left the house. Could Lucy have overheard her conversation with Anne last night? It made sense that she would be upset. Suddenly, Dianna began to shake.Lucy puts the pieces of a traumatic childhood memory together when a shocking secret, shared by her mom and sister, is revealed. With so many people she loves involved, the truth might end up costing Lucy-everything.
The Truth Lucy Spoke is a novella.