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The Soprano Wore Falsettos
The Soprano Wore Falsettos

The Soprano Wore Falsettos


4.00 (274 ratings)
(No. 4 in the Liturgical Mystery series) Detective Hayden Konig is a success in anyone's book. He has a job that he loves as Chief of Police in the small Appalachian town of St. Germaine, North Carolina. He's employed as the part-time organist and choirmaster at St. Barnabas Church. He's just proposed to his sweetheart, Meg Farthing, and, to top it all off, he's as rich as a televangelist with his own 900 number. In spite of all his apparent success, Hayden Konig's life-long dream is yet to be realized. He longs to write the next great hard-boiled mystery. Though his past attempts have been less than impressive, Hayden is convinced that using Raymond Chandler's actual typewriter (purchased at an auction) is just the impetus his writing needs to push his detective story over the top. Unfortunately, he's dead wrong. St. Barnabas, meanwhile, has come into a great deal of money. Sixteen million dollars, to be exact, and the members of the congregation all have ideas on how to spend it. Suddenly, a shot rang out! A woman screamed, and Detective Konig has another dead body in the choir loft. It's business as usual in St. Germaine. With Easter right around the corner and suspects galore, Hayden must find the murderer. Can things get any worse? Hayden Konig's 4th mysteryThe Soprano Wore Falsettos It's not what you's even funnier!
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