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The Redemption Wall
The Redemption Wall

The Redemption Wall


5.00 (8 ratings)
An epic action novel of adventure and personal discovery through the eyes of a young man fleeing from a rich and powerful family. Luke Canfield is born into a ranching dynasty but is subjected to horrible abuse by his fanatically religious father.
The redemption wall is the place where Luke’s father inflicts corporal punishment on him, almost daily, and Luke endures it for years until the only person left to defend and protect him, his grandmother, suddenly dies.
Finding the courage to escape his persecution, he is offered a way out, but must travel alone, quickly maturing as he gains experience along the way, across the U.S. from Oregon to Florida, in an attempt to meet up with a family offering him protection on a sailing vessel in the Caribbean, but he must arrive before the family sails away.
His odyssey is a tale of fear, hunger, abuse, adventure and courage through the eyes of a quickly maturing young man. Set in 1967, in a world experiencing drugs, free love, and racial tension and in a time when the words, child abuse weren’t spoken out loud.