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The Night Visitor
The Night Visitor

The Night Visitor


4.00 (327 ratings)
The world of Daisy Perika ia a realm of shadows, omens, and restless spirits. In tribal policeman Charlie Moon's world, good and evil manifest themselves in more explainable, human ways. Yet the irascible old Ute shaman and her huge, good-natured nephew inhabit the same hard and lonely Colorado country. And now the parched earth has yielded up the remains of a gargantuan prehistoric beast on the site of a failed dude ranch--a find of enormous scientific importance that is attracting the attention of a wide variety of inividuals, some eminent and seemingly scrupulous...other obviously neither. Moon is also curious about the strange old bones. For things this ancient and rare have been known to inspire malevolent deeds in the past, including avarice, lies...and murder. And all it takes is one mysterious disappearance and one very suspicious death to convince Charlie Moon that his greatest fears have just been realized.
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