The Good Life Handbook: Epictetus' Stoic Classic Enchiridion
by Chuck Chakrapani
The Good Life Handbook is a rendering of Epictetus' Enchiridion in plain English.
It is a concise summary of the teachings of Epictetus, as transcribed and later summarized by his student Flavius Arrian. The Handbook is a guide to the good life. It answers the question, “How can we be good and live free and happy, no matter what else is happening around us?”
Ancient Stoics lived in a time of turmoil under difficult conditions. So, the solutions they found to living free was tested under very stringent conditions. For example, Epictetus was a lame slave who made himself free and happy later in life by following the principles set out in this book.
It is a concise summary of the teachings of Epictetus, as transcribed and later summarized by his student Flavius Arrian. The Handbook is a guide to the good life. It answers the question, “How can we be good and live free and happy, no matter what else is happening around us?”
Ancient Stoics lived in a time of turmoil under difficult conditions. So, the solutions they found to living free was tested under very stringent conditions. For example, Epictetus was a lame slave who made himself free and happy later in life by following the principles set out in this book.