The Evolving Buddha: New Perspectives and Dynamic Change in Nichiren Buddhism (SGI)
by J.D. Gilbert
“I do not think I have ever read anything that has impressed and inspired me more.” José Cavilla
Is Buddhism dynamically changing to meet the challenges of the 21st Century and empower humanity? Nichiren Buddhists of the Soka Gakkai tradition would likely say, yes.
“So many people say that if they were to take up a religion, it would be Buddhism. For them, and for the thousands of existing practitioners, here is a beautifully written book… Consistently asking the questions the reader wants answered, it promotes a questioning approach consistent with freedom of thought.”
Jim Cowan, author, The Britain Potential and editor, Buddhism of the Sun
In this book, J.D. Gilbert challenges the preconceptions around this ancient religion by showing how Buddhism has been and remains a dynamic and evolving framework for universal truths and personal transformation.
Focussing on the world's largest lay Buddhist movement, Soka Gakkai International (SGI), practitioners of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism, Gilbert relays wide-ranging research demonstrating that much of what we hold as ‘absolute’ has undergone its own evolutionary journey. In so doing, the meaning and structures of Buddhism are given a refreshing and renewed perspective.
Taking six key aspects of SGI Buddhism, Gilbert validates the universality and inclusiveness of this great faith by revealing the human stories that created modern Buddhism whilst interweaving his own personal experiences.
“J.D. Gilbert has found a path of heartfelt engagement within Soka Gakkai while retaining a sharp and penetrating gaze on its deeper message. I highly recommend the book for seekers of all stripes who are open to a new or better understanding of a life-changing modern iteration of the Buddha's teachings.”
J.M. Walsh, author, Dial In: Soka Buddhism on the Religious Spectrum
The six key themes examined are:
-The Lotus Sutra – Where did it come from and what is its significance?
-Nichiren – Who was this spiritual innovator and what is his identity?
-Nam-myoho-renge-kyo – How does chanting actually work and can science tell us?
-The Gohonzon – What is the true nature of this devotional object?
-The Soka Gakkai and SGI – Why do we need an organisation to practise Buddhism?
-Daisaku Ikeda – How did Ikeda’s philosophy develop and why is he regarded as a mentor?
Is Buddhism dynamically changing to meet the challenges of the 21st Century and empower humanity? Nichiren Buddhists of the Soka Gakkai tradition would likely say, yes.
“So many people say that if they were to take up a religion, it would be Buddhism. For them, and for the thousands of existing practitioners, here is a beautifully written book… Consistently asking the questions the reader wants answered, it promotes a questioning approach consistent with freedom of thought.”
Jim Cowan, author, The Britain Potential and editor, Buddhism of the Sun
In this book, J.D. Gilbert challenges the preconceptions around this ancient religion by showing how Buddhism has been and remains a dynamic and evolving framework for universal truths and personal transformation.
Focussing on the world's largest lay Buddhist movement, Soka Gakkai International (SGI), practitioners of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism, Gilbert relays wide-ranging research demonstrating that much of what we hold as ‘absolute’ has undergone its own evolutionary journey. In so doing, the meaning and structures of Buddhism are given a refreshing and renewed perspective.
Taking six key aspects of SGI Buddhism, Gilbert validates the universality and inclusiveness of this great faith by revealing the human stories that created modern Buddhism whilst interweaving his own personal experiences.
“J.D. Gilbert has found a path of heartfelt engagement within Soka Gakkai while retaining a sharp and penetrating gaze on its deeper message. I highly recommend the book for seekers of all stripes who are open to a new or better understanding of a life-changing modern iteration of the Buddha's teachings.”
J.M. Walsh, author, Dial In: Soka Buddhism on the Religious Spectrum
The six key themes examined are:
-The Lotus Sutra – Where did it come from and what is its significance?
-Nichiren – Who was this spiritual innovator and what is his identity?
-Nam-myoho-renge-kyo – How does chanting actually work and can science tell us?
-The Gohonzon – What is the true nature of this devotional object?
-The Soka Gakkai and SGI – Why do we need an organisation to practise Buddhism?
-Daisaku Ikeda – How did Ikeda’s philosophy develop and why is he regarded as a mentor?