The Captive of Kensington Palace
by Jean Plaidy
Victoria is virtually a prisoner in Kensington Palace. Her mother and her mother's chamberlain, Sir John Conroy, are her guards. They will not allowher to associate with anyone that has not been thoroughly and critically checked to make sure Victoria is not made harmed by their very presence.Even her governesses are under scrutiny. She is not even allowed to bealone! Someone must always be with her. Her only hope is in contemplating her coming of age, whereupon she may be free and able to take her "UncleKing's" crown without her dreaded captures taking regency. Her best friends are her "dear" sister Feodora, married and living in Germany; her UncleLeopold, her cousin-in-law and uncle as well as King of the Belgians; Lehzen, her faithful governess; the King and Queen, whom she is rarely allowed to see; and her cousins that she is also rarely allowed to see. Shehas scheming uncles trying to usurp her right to the throne, and family fighting over her. Every day she comes closer to her dream of adulthood, and her guards' despair at loss of power.
Release Date:
October 31, 1976