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Showdown In The Economy of Good and Evil
Showdown In The Economy of Good and Evil

Showdown In The Economy of Good and Evil


4.40 (27 ratings)

Benevolent billionaire Justin Wolfe establishes an autonomous economic experiment on a farm near Savannah, Georgia. The theory: give people the means to advance in life through daily direct deposits and even the formerly homeless can become entrepreneurs who contribute meaningfully to society.

Wolfe tasks economics whiz kid Evan White to roll out an advanced economic system that creates a higher standard of living than most citizens in neighboring Savannah enjoy. All this from the entrepreneurial spirit of homeless people bussed in from around the country.

The farm gets national attention as a 60 Minutes crew shows up to report on the farm. Tensions rise as Justin clashes with his tech billionaire friend Elliot Larson and Federal Reserve Banker Lloyd Blankfein at a Jekyll Island party. The ensuing bad press puts the farm under increasing pressure by those who do not want it to succeed.

“Resources while abundant do not make it to a vast number of people. And for many, the economy is a members-only system they do not get access to. Life is naturally inclusive. All it takes is life. And yet a vast number of people are left out of modern society. America’s promise of equal opportunity is a lie for people without money. I am Justin Wolfe and I believe that the economy can take care of the poor, which frees up the government to pay down its debt. This farm will prove that our economy needs to evolve if we are going to transition into a sustainable future.” ​​​​​​​
--Justin Wolfe

This is a spellbinding story with remarkable characters: the disheveled potpourri of humanity's lost souls who are America's homeless; the turbulent young technology billionaire; the hapless recluse who runs the janitorial services on the farm; the young and profane farmer's daughter whose cooking brings the farm to life; the uproariously funny Pete Smiley; the devilishly arrogant Elliot Larson; the carefree movie theater entrepreneur; the hard working members of the farm; and Muna, an Ethiopian immigrant who became homeless before turning bread into a business. These and other members of the farm just outside Savannah act as a strange ensemble, with alliances, hostilities, and intrigues that thrive on a farm where anybody can find an opportunity to make their life better.

"Jarl Jensen entertains and enlightens with one of the clearest explanations of what is broken with the economy and how to fix it. His metaphors help explain the future that rushes towards all of us."

"Author Jarl Jensen has the courage to place before the public a novel that is not only searingly written as a story but also points out the flaws in our current society. This book is not only a fine thriller but it also should be on the Required Reading list for all of us." - - Grady Harp HALL OF FAME TOP 50 REVIEWER


  • A well written story that is thought provoking

  • No action without a purpose, no mind numbing heroics without a cause

  • Your perspective on life, the world and how the future can get better... WILL CHANGE!


  • "This book is amazing!" - SJ

  • "Made Me See the Economy of the USA and the World Through New Eyes - Amazing!"

  • "How To Make The World A Better Place"

From the Author
This is a book I had to write. I am an inventor and make a living working with ideas. What do you do with an idea that is more important than the next iPhone? An idea that isn't about a product or a service. It's an idea that will change the world. I decided to write a story that is entertaining, fun and enlightening. As a father of three kids, it's important to me that the future is not apocalyptic. Yet, despite all our technology the future looks worse than ever before in history. I wrote this book to give my kids a better future.