Shoal Creek
by Lanny Bledsoe
A young boy runs away from his sharecropper home in South Georgia. Uneducated and unprepared for what he faces, he survives through the grace of God and the kindness of rural farm families. In time he learns to live on the road, making his own way. He matures, learns skills through experience and a winter with redneck loggers teaches him self-defense. Several farmer’s daughters teach him about women.
Now twenty-years-old, six-three and two hundred rock hard pounds, Rep Doe, looking for a warm place for the winter, gets to Shoal Creek Farm. The farm, owned by the Hogan family, is the largest supplier of illegal whiskey in west Georgia. The family manages and protects their business with an iron fist. They do not hesitate to meet any threat with a violent response.
Red Hogan, the family sire and his son, Brit, immediately dislike and mistrust Rep. Despite their feelings, he fights and wins a job. The challenge then is to keep the job and his life.
But the main challenge comes from the three women he meets at the farm and they each change his life. Lila, the owner’s daughter, Bess, the wild-haired river swamp girl and Star, from the other side of the Chattahoochee River. Two he will love; one he will marry and the one with the morals of an alley cat will affect his life forever.