Schindler's Legacy: True Stories of the List Survivors
by Thomas Keneally and Jill Freedman and Elinor J. Brecher
They appeared at the end of the movie Schindler's List - the poignant processional of real-life people whom Oskar Schindler saved. Now they tell their stories in a book that is the living legacy of what Schindler did and what the human spirit can endure and overcome.Through their own words and more than 100 personal photographs, we learn the truth of their experiences with Schindler, their incredible stories of day-to-day survival, and their ultimate triumph of rebuilding lives, reclaiming family, and recording their memories for future generations. They range in age from late fifties to nearly ninety. Some emerged from the Holocaust as the lone remnants of their families; others, miraculously, survived with parents, siblings, and children. Their current lifestyles are equally varied: a multi-millionaire New Jersey developer; a Cleveland tailor who works out of his basement; a retired New York cafe violinist; a Baltimore fabric-store owner; a Pittsburgh cantor; a Los Angeles high school shop teacher; a world-famous Manhattan commercial photographer. Some remain committed, observant Jews; others have drifted far from religious ritual and belief. Some cling to the past; others have spent a lifetime trying to forget. Some seem to take pleasure in every breath; others seem forever burdened by sorrow.What they have in common is this: Oskar Schindler gave each a second chance at life. Now we learn what they did with that precious gift.
Release Date:
October 31, 1994