Saving the Queen
by William F. Buckley Jr.
President Truman is near the end of his term in office, and Great Britain has a new queen. It is 1952, the Cold War is heating up, and vital military secrets are falling into Soviet hands. The CIA faces a delicate dilemma for the source of the leaks has been traced directly to the Queen s chambers. The situation must be resolved but without damaging the young Queen s self-confidence and public credibility.Young Blackford Oakes, the handsome, debonaire, and audacious Yale graduate and ex-fighter pilot, is selected to penetrate the royal circle, win the Queen s confidence, and plug the leak. The action leads to an explosive showdown in the skies over London, one that could determine the future of the West.Buckley presents a thrilling spy novel as he introduces Blackforf Oakes for the first time in "Saving the Queen.""
Release Date:
December 31, 1976