Please Save My Earth, Volume 1
by Saki Hiwatari
Series Description: Part science fiction, part fantasy, and completely engrossing, this provocative manga stars sensitive high school student Alice Sakaguchi, who has a recurring dream that she's part of a team of alien scientists on the moon! She doesn't really believe it, until new evidence arrives. Now even her eight-year-old neighbor is acting strange! Alice's dreams of being a lovely woman living on the moon are a respite from her job babysitting the holy terror Rin! When he goes one step too far, she slaps him, causing him to fall off a balcony and into a coma. When he awakens, he seems changed--and strangely connected to Alice. Meanwhile, at school, Alice meets a pair of boys with an oddly close relationship. Soon she learns they too have dreams--of living on the moon!
Release Date:
October 31, 2003