My Mother Gets Married
by Moa Martinson and Margaret S. Lacy
Originally published in Sweden in 1936, this rare novel is the first volume in Martinson's acclaimed autobiographical trilogy. Told through the seven-year-old child Mia's eyes, the novel portrays a life of dreadful poverty, recording in detail Mia's beautiful mother's pregnancies by her handsome but hard-drinking and unfaithful husband; the succession of rented rooms infested with rats and lice, where Mia lives; the insiduous separateness and cruelty that the haves inflict on the have-nots. "A poignant, yet unsettling documentary story that transcends time and place in its depiction of the struggles of the working poor, deserving of a place alongside such notables as Sinclair Lewis, Ole Rolvaag, and John Steinbeck."- Booklist
Release Date:
December 31, 1992