Moondust and Madness
by Janelle Taylor
CAPTIVE TO HIS SAVAGE PASSION... A moan escaped Jana Greyson as this strong, handsome stranger invaded her lips with his demanding kisses. He had stolen her from her world, made her his prisoner, and now enslaved her with the trembling rapture of his hunger... igniting a white-heat that melted her will to resist.SLAVE TO HER OWN DESIRECommander Varian Saar had come from a place beyond imagining and claimed Jana for his own. His powerful hand left a fiery trail across her ivory skin, his cobalt eyes possessed her with their unrestrained longing...and now her fate rested in his quicksilver grasp. Forbidden partners ...forbidden love...and soon their mad, tumultuous union became a pledge as boundless as the universe itself, a promise to seek their future among the glittering stars.THEIR LOVE BURNED BRIGHTER THAN THE STARS
Release Date:
October 31, 1992