Modern Primitives: An Investigation of Contemporary Adornment and Ritual
by Andrea Juno and V. Vale
Modern Primitives is the Bible of Body Modification, including tattoo, piercing, and scarification. An amazing 30-page interview with Fakir Musafar, as well as in-depth interviews with Ed Hardy, Lyle Tuttle, Leo Zulueta, Bill Salmon, Vyvyn Lazonga and other tattoo giants is featured. This book describes non-tribal people who felt and responded to strong "primitive" urges. A classic; this is the first book to chart out all the basic ways to creatively express one's individuality using the body as a canvas, especially emphasizing the need to find something rooted in one's own personal experiences and mythology. Inspiring and wide-ranging, Modern Primitives provides a vast anthropological context for implementing a truly unique body-decoration expression. An illuminating section of quotations rounds out this volume.
Release Date:
April 30, 1989