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Խաչագողի Հիշատակարանը, Khatchagoghi Hishatakarana (Diary Of A Cross-Stealer)
Խաչագողի Հիշատակարանը, Khatchagoghi Hishatakarana (Diary Of A Cross-Stealer)

Խաչագողի Հիշատակարանը, Khatchagoghi Hishatakarana (Diary Of A Cross-Stealer)

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4.00 (249 ratings)
The author of KHATCHAGOGHÍ HISHATAKARANÂ (DAIRY OF A CON ARTIST) whose real name was Hagop Melik-Hagopian, is well known by his pseudonym, Raffi. He was an Armenian from that part of Armenia which was under the Mohammedan rule of the Shah of Persia. In the Dairy of a con artist he proposes the civic duties and responsibilities of individuals. He vividly depicts the dark side of the human being but proposes the nurture as opposed to the nature theory. He suggests the society as responsible for creating fertile grounds for individuals' actions. Hence, he proposes the responsibility of the society to its individual in parallel with civic duties of the individuals to the society.
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