Inspire Your Marriage
by John Thomas
Which Independent quality do you find most attractive in your spouse? Which Team quality do you find most attractive in them? The quiz inside helps to communicate the primary things you desire from your spouse and to understand what they desire from you.
Maintaining some “Independent” qualities in marriage can be attractive. Increasing some “Team” qualities can be bonding. Knowing how to effectively combine the two can make your marriage more dynamic, passionate and closer than ever!
Whether you’re newlyweds or long-time partners, Inspire Your Marriage can be a game changer for the connection in your marriage! Discover how the actions, behavior and words of each spouse either pulls the other one closer or inadvertently pushes them away.
Inspire each other, inspire your spouse and inspire yourself. Take the quiz inside to find out how!
Maintaining some “Independent” qualities in marriage can be attractive. Increasing some “Team” qualities can be bonding. Knowing how to effectively combine the two can make your marriage more dynamic, passionate and closer than ever!
Whether you’re newlyweds or long-time partners, Inspire Your Marriage can be a game changer for the connection in your marriage! Discover how the actions, behavior and words of each spouse either pulls the other one closer or inadvertently pushes them away.
Inspire each other, inspire your spouse and inspire yourself. Take the quiz inside to find out how!