Insight Meditation: A Step-by-step Course on How to Meditate
by Sharon Salzberg
The Insight Meditation course is an unparalleled immersive course in meditation and philosophy, presented by the cofounders of the Insight Meditation Society, Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstein. Cultivate the sacred environment of a retreat in your own home, with the help of a personal instructor. Includes twelve sequential lessons, an 88-page workbook with interactive exercises, and more.Insight Meditation is beautifully packaged in a box set and makes a great gift for meditators, whether beginning or experienced.Workbook ContentsLesson One: The Power of MindfulnessLesson Two: Bare AttentionLesson Three: Desire and Aversion Lesson Four: Sleepiness, Restlessness, and DoubtLesson Five: Concepts and RealityLesson Six: SufferingLesson Seven: KarmaLesson Eight: EquanimityLesson Nine: LovingkindnessLast WordsAppendix A: Meditation SuppliesAppendix B: The Five HindrancesAppendix C: The Three Great MythsAppendix D: The Three Kinds of SufferingAppendix E: The Four Brahma-ViharasAppendix F: The Six Realms of ExistenceAppendix G: The Eight VicissitudesCD ContentsEach CD features three guided meditations that will help you explore the direct experience of meditation. The meditations are set up to simulate as closely as possible the ambience of an actual practice session at a retreat center like the Insight Meditation Society.Meditations include:1. Breath Meditation2. Walking Meditation 3. Meditation on Body Sensations4. Meditation on Hindrances5. Meditation on Emotions6. Metta MeditationExcerptWelcome to Insight Meditation. The compact discs and workbook will take you step by step through a comprehensive training course in basic meditation. The cards included in the box list various helpful teachings that are explored throughout this workbook.This course is rooted in the Buddhist style of vipassana, or insight meditation, but these fundamental techniques for sharpening your awareness and releasing painful mental habits are useful no matter what your religious or spiritual orientation.It’s not necessary to affiliate with any belief system in order to benefit from Insight Meditation. These mindfulness practices can support your existing spiritual path, whether it’s a structured practice like Christianity or Judaism, or simply a personal sense of your relationship with the great questions of human existence.What to Expect:Insight Meditation comprises two compact discs, a workbook, and a set of informational cards.The workbook contains:--Information on meditation resources--Suggestions for setting up a meditation space and a daily practice--Buddhist teachings about meditation and life--Q & A sessions that clarify practical new issues new meditators tend to encounter--Exercises to help you deepen your understanding and experience of meditation (and space to respond to them)--Tips for taking your meditataive awareness into the world and for troubleshooting problem areas in your practice-- Glossaries of Pali, Sanskrit, and other terms-- A list of books and tapes you can use to further your study of meditation.
Release Date:
April 30, 2002