How Clean is Your House
by Kim Woodburn and Aggie MacKenzie
The Dream Cleaning Team is here at last—and they are on a mission to clean up America. Already a runaway bestseller in the UK, How Clean Is Your House? is packed with trade secrets and inventive cleaning solutions that will get us all back on track and cleaning properly in no time. Watch and learn as the dynamic duo sweeps through a house room by room, offering top tips that will turn any home into a gleaming palace. Each chapter is packed with do’s and don’ts, step-by-steps, and amusing before-and-after “grime scene” photographs. There’s even a filth questionnaire to determine your cleanliness status. Kim and Aggie also offer ideas for surprising home remedies, such as using a banana peel to dust plants (“the dust clings to the skin and the juice nourishes the leaves.”) How Clean Is Your House? is so full of infectious fun that it will make you passionate about cleaning—no home should be without a copy.
Release Date:
September 8, 2004