Hollywood Car Wash
by Lori Culwell
Amy Spencer is an accidental celebrity. On Monday, she's a normal college student in Michigan. By the end of the week, she's in Hollywood, starring in a TV pilot--as a regular girl from Michigan. It's all fun and games until the show gets picked up and Amy learns the terrible price of stardom--to keep the part she didn't even want at first, she's going to have to get the "Hollywood Car Wash" to make her more marketable. First, she'll have to lose twenty pounds. She'll also need new teeth, blonder hair, and a megastar boyfriend with a big secret. By changing everything from her weight to her hair to her name, Amy slowly learns that the only way to survive in Hollywood is to lose herself. Inspired by true events, this shockingly accurate novel about the ins and outs of the Hollywood game will leave the reader wondering--who is Star? "Hollywood Car Wash" is the first in a series."There's much one could say about "Hollywood Car Wash"--that Lori Culwell provides an incisive, amazingly accurate look inside the world of network television; that Culwell's account of a young midwestern woman's transformation from aspiring actress to major media sensation is emotionally involving and often amusing; that Culwell pulls no punches detailing her heroine's encounters with jealous colleagues, eager cosmetic surgeons and manipulative network executives. But perhaps all that really needs to be said about "Hollywood Car Wash" is that it may be one of the most enjoyable page-turning reads of the year ..."--Adam Belanoff, Co-Executive Producer, "The Closer"
Release Date:
March 27, 2007