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Holly's Story
Holly's Story

Holly's Story


4.00 (1644 ratings)
Pink Angels and best friends Holly, Raina, and Kathleen have been through a lot over the past year. The summer before their senior year promises to be busy but fun, as Holly and Raina return to their full-time volunteer jobs at the hospital, and Kathleen, who needs the money, works at the hospital gift shop. Of course, Raina and Kathleen will be spending as much time as possible with their boyfriends, Hunter and Carson. Holly is happy for her friends, but she can't help feeling a little left out when she's around the two couples. She did finally have a boy interested in her, but the e-mails from her secret admirer, Shy Boy, have recently stopped coming. What did she do wrong? Will she ever meet her mystery guy in person? Then Holly's world is forever changed when tragedy strikes close to home. She, Raina, and Kathleen will need each other now more than ever.
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