Harvey Penick's Little Red Book: Lessons and Teachings From a Lifetime of Golf
by Harvey Penick and Bud Shrake
THE CLASSIC BOOK OF GOLF WISDOM FROM THE GAME'S GREATEST TEACHER The "Little Red Book" has become required reading for all players and fans of the game of golf, from beginners to seasoned pros. The legendary Harvey Penick, who began his golfing career as a caddie in Austria, Texas, at the age of eight, worked with an amazing array of champions over the course of nearly a century, dispensing invaluable wisdom to golfers of every level. Penick simplifies the technical jargon of other instructional books and communicates the very essence of the game, and his "Little Red Book" is full of inspiration and homespun wisdom that reflects at once his great love of golf as well as his great talent for teaching.
Release Date:
May 18, 1999