Goodbye Self-Critical, Hello Self-Thrilled!: An Inspirational Tale of Healing and Empowerment
by Joyce Anderson
Discover Your Unique Talent While Dissolving Self-CriticismSo many of us are victims of self-critical chatter. We give ourselves a hard time about our appearance, our choices, our actions, and compare ourselves to others. These conversations in our head dull us, and stop us from doing what we are designed to do.Goodbye Self-Critical, Hello Self-Thrilled! weaves a charming modern-day fable of new archetypal characters in real-life situations that help you discover your unique talent while slowly dissolving self-criticism.Agatha, the young protagonist, enters this world radiating with delight in her exuberant unique self. Then it all changes. Through Agatha’s story, she wants to heal her damaged spirit from a learning disability, hurt, obesity, and the challenges of her marriage and motherhood. Tellaga shows her how.These new marvelous characters are presented with humor, sharp observation and compassion using real-life situations to help you discover your unique talent and slowly dissolve self-criticism. The illustrated characters drawn by the talented Liz Gill Neilson represent the struggles between life’s two opposing forces and are fascinating and entertaining teachers.Some new archetypes you will meet are:
- Conred: The King of Comparison
- Conred’s Soldiers: Better/Than Less/Than
- Coates: Talent Hider
- Syd: Identity Sabotager
- Tellaga: The Answer
- Stop self-comparing and self-criticizing
- Realize your unique talent
- Step into self-thrilled action
- Gain self-confidence and understanding of others