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Everything's Coming Up Rosie
Everything's Coming Up Rosie

Everything's Coming Up Rosie


3.50 (572 ratings)
What's a dedicated bachelor doing at a week-long society wedding celebration? Doug Llewellyn is being bored out of his skull...until a beautiful, unknown woman calls him "darling," then plants a big wet kiss on him. Suddenly boredom is no longer Doug's problem.Rosie Kilgannon, she of the big wet kiss, is also a guest at the wedding, and although she's used Doug as a way to escape an amorous admirer, that kiss was really something else! Why not enjoy each other for the week, no strings attached?Which might have worked, if not for the weeping bride, the suspiciously shifty groom, the neurotic wedding planner...and the fact that True Love often sneaks up on the unwary and belts them right in the chops!
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