Double Game
by Paul Auster and Sophie Calle
Double Game and The Gotham Handbook are, together, the first major publication in English on the work of French artist Sophie Calle, yet this two-volume set is in no way an ordinary monograph. In fact, it takes the form of a double jeu, a 'double game', between the work of Sophie Calle and the fiction of Paul Auster. In his 1992 novel Leviathan, Auster based aspects of his fictional artist "Maria" on Sophie Calle, and thanks her for allowing "to mingle fact with fiction". In the opening chapters of Double Game, Calle reverses this premise and lives out elements of Maria's story to combine reality and fiction in her own way. In further chapters of Volume One, Calle uses passages from Leviathan as a pretext for a retrospective of her own installations and other works from the last twenty years. In response to the novelist's borrowings from her own life, Calle asked Auster to write a fiction which she could live. The result is Volume Two, The Gotham Handbook: instructions by Auster on how to live for one week in Manhattan, and Calle's diary of that week as she lived it.
Release Date:
January 1, 2000