DiMensioner's Revenge
by S.K. Randolph
Stalked by a vengeful DiMensioner, twins Ari and Brie fight to save Myrrh, the last remaining fragment of Old Earth.
The fountain, Elcaro's Eye, sits in the upstairs room of a cottage at the edge of the Terces Wood on Myrrh. Its water ripples into stillness. On the surface the long-awaited Unfolding manifests its beginnings...
The DiMensioner, Seyes Nomed, a covert visitor, is back in the land from which its Guardian, Almiralyn, banished him as a child. Only her death, the destruction of her land, and acquisition of Evolsefil, the powerful crystal heart of Myrrh, will satisfy his lust for revenge.
Four young people become entangled in his diabolical web, one of whom, Seyes Nomad discovers, possesses powers that will enhance his chances to unravel Almiralyn's Myrrh and destroy it forever.
VarTerels' Universe - Science Fantasy at its best! A tale of adventure and intrigue follows a group of diverse characters on a quest to save the last remnant of Old Earth and to bring balance to their home planets. Traveling through time and dimension, young and old combine wits and magic to thwart the diabolical plot of those determined to conquer and enslave the unique populations that inhabit the Inner Universe.
If you enjoy J. K. Rowling, J.R.R. Tolkien, or Alan Garner you owe it to yourself to try this new author.
Go ahead, take a risk - download this novel and start the journey!
VarTerels' Universe
Part I - UnFolding
DiMensioner's Revenge (#1)ConDra's Fire (#2)Master's Reach (#3)Companion (#4)Jaradee's Legacy (#5) Part II - CoaleScent CycleIncirrata Secret (#6)Corp Stone (#7)Sword of Shyteno (#8)
The fountain, Elcaro's Eye, sits in the upstairs room of a cottage at the edge of the Terces Wood on Myrrh. Its water ripples into stillness. On the surface the long-awaited Unfolding manifests its beginnings...
The DiMensioner, Seyes Nomed, a covert visitor, is back in the land from which its Guardian, Almiralyn, banished him as a child. Only her death, the destruction of her land, and acquisition of Evolsefil, the powerful crystal heart of Myrrh, will satisfy his lust for revenge.
Four young people become entangled in his diabolical web, one of whom, Seyes Nomad discovers, possesses powers that will enhance his chances to unravel Almiralyn's Myrrh and destroy it forever.
VarTerels' Universe - Science Fantasy at its best! A tale of adventure and intrigue follows a group of diverse characters on a quest to save the last remnant of Old Earth and to bring balance to their home planets. Traveling through time and dimension, young and old combine wits and magic to thwart the diabolical plot of those determined to conquer and enslave the unique populations that inhabit the Inner Universe.
If you enjoy J. K. Rowling, J.R.R. Tolkien, or Alan Garner you owe it to yourself to try this new author.
Go ahead, take a risk - download this novel and start the journey!
VarTerels' Universe
Part I - UnFolding
DiMensioner's Revenge (#1)ConDra's Fire (#2)Master's Reach (#3)Companion (#4)Jaradee's Legacy (#5) Part II - CoaleScent CycleIncirrata Secret (#6)Corp Stone (#7)Sword of Shyteno (#8)