Date with Death
by Elizabeth Lenhard and Constance M. Burge
Take this soul, who seeks revenge Bind him from his cruel intent With this spark, consign his soul To the haze of his own hell As Piper and Leo contemplate parenthood, and Phoebe and Cole enjoy their engagement, Paige is feeling more of a push to find a significant other. In a moment of whimsy, she signs up for an online dating service. Needless to say, she soon finds herself flooded with eager responses. Almost every night she embarks on a new date that seems to lead nowhere -- despite the fact that Paige has a perfectly good time when she's out. Or does she? Before long the sisters discover that Paige spends her "dates" in a catatonic trance -- she hasn't actually gone anywhere! Soon afterward her suitors are discovered to have committed evil acts. Paige is acting as a conduit for dark powers -- and soon she is projecting her energies onto her sisters. Will Piper and Phoebe be able to save her using only the Power of Two?
Release Date:
August 31, 2002