by Cory Doctorow
From "A Place So Foreign and Eight More," a short story collection published in September, 2003 by Four Walls Eight Windows Press (ISBN 1568582862). See http://craphound.com/place for more.Originally Published in Science Fiction Age, March 1998 Reprinted in:* Northern Suns (Tor, 1999, David Hartwell and Glenn Grant, editors)* Year's Best Science Fiction XVI (Morrow, 1999, Gardner Dozois, editor)* Hayakawa Science Fiction Magazine (Japan) September 2001"Like most aliens-mingling-with-human-society stories, Doctorow's story serves mostly to hold a mirror up to human nature, but the odd corner of human nature it examines is fascinating, and the story is smoothly and expertly written, with some good detail and local color and some shrewd insights into human nature and human culture, and an almost Bradburian vein of rich nostalgia running through it (although the nostalgia is quirky enough that perhaps it might more usefully be compared to R.A. Lafferty or Terry Bisson than to Bradbury)."- Gardner Dozois Editor, Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine
Release Date:
December 31, 2009