By What Authority? An Evangelical Discovers Catholic Tradition
by Scott Hahn and Mark P. Shea and Peter M.J. Stravinskas
As an evangelical, Mark P. Shea accepted the principle of "Scripture alone" as the basis of faith. Now, as a Catholic convert, he skillfully explains how and why Sacred Tradition occupies a central role in Divine Revelation. Tracing his own journey of intellectual and spiritual awakening. Shea begins by looking for a rejoinder to those modern-day false prophets who would claim that Scripture itself is not to be trusted and ends with his conviction that Tradition, as expressed by the Catholic Church. is the only sure guarantee of the truth of the revelation of Jesus Christ. About Mark P. Shea Mark P. Shea is a popular Catholic writer and speaker. He describes himself as a double-jump convert: raised more or less as an agnostic pagan, became a non-denominational Evangelical in 1979, and entered the Catholic Church in 1987. Mark is the author of several books including: "Making Senses Out of Scripture: Reading the Bible as the First Christians Did", "By What Authority?: An Evangelical Discovers Catholic Tradition", "This is My Body: An Evangelical Discovers the Real Presence" and "Mary, Mother of the Son" an acclaimed three volume set from Catholic Answers. He also finds time to be Senior Content Editor at Catholic Exchange, a non-profit web portal for Catholics. In addition, Mark is an affiliate and devoted friend of the Catherine of Siena Institute and boosts their phenomenally important work wherever and whenever he can. Further, he is an awarding-winning columnist, contributing "Heaven and Earth" to the late lamented New Covenant and "The Culture of Life" to Catholic Parent, as well as numerous articles to many other magazines. He has been happily married since 1983 and he and his wife have frequent adventures with their four sons. "The thing I like most about this book is the crystal clear and compelling case that Shea makes -
Release Date:
September 27, 1996