Asperger's and Girls
by Temple Grandin and Tony Attwood and Sheila Wagner and Teresa Bolick and Catherine Faherty and Lisa Iland and Jennifer McIlwee Myers and Ruth Snyder and Mary Wroble
Winner of the Gold Award in the 2006 ForeWord Book of the Year competition, this groundbreaking book describes the unique challenges of women and girls with Asperger s Syndrome. In it you ll read candid stories written by the indomitable women who have lived them. You ll also hear from experts who discuss whether Aspie girls are slipping under the radar, undiagnosed; why many AS women feel like a minority within a minority (outnumbered by men 4:1); practical solutions school systems can implement for girls; social tips for teenage girls, navigating puberty, the transition to work or university, and the importance of careers. Helpful chapters include: The Pattern of Abilities and Development of Girls with Asperger s Syndrome Asperger s Syndrome in Women: A Different Set of Challenges? Educating the Female Student with Asperger s Girl to Girl: Advice on Friendship, Bullying, and Fitting In Preparing for Puberty and Beyond The Launch: Negotiating the Transition from High School to the Great Beyond Aspie Do s and Don ts: Dating, Relationships, and Marriage Maternal Instincts in Asperger Syndrome For Me, a Good Career Gave Life Meaning"
Release Date:
December 30, 2006