16 Fascinating Covid-19 & Spanish Flu Mysteries Solved!
by Jeff T. Bowles
Jeff T. Bowles's first science journal article was published in 1998. It was submitted to the journal Medical Hypothesis based in the UK, where the editorial board over its recent existence had shared 5 Nobel prizes between the editors who included Linus Pauling, as well as several scientists knighted by the Queen of England and including Sir Karl Popper and Sir James Black. It was 7X longer than their allowed length limit of 10 pages. The editors accepted “as is” for accelerated publication because they described it as "extremely exciting and of major importance. "
That first paper “The Evolution of Aging-A New Look at an Old Problem of Biology", was the first ever anywhere to predict that the post age-50 rise in Luteinizing Hormone (a reproduction related hormone) in women and men of 100’s to as much as 1,000% would be found to be the key driver of not only aging, but also Alzheimer’s disease. There was no evidence for this at the time except that ibuprofen use and smoking were both associated with a reduced level of LH, as well as reduced Alzheimer’s disease incidences. Well it turns out that evidence started trickling in, and by the year 2005 a startup company named Voyager Pharmaceuticals spent $50 million testing Lupron in people with Alzheimer’s. Lupron suppresses LH. It worked in a group of 50 women in a Phase II trial. Lupron injections prevented further decline from early Alzheimer’s while the control group declined 6 points on a special scale over the 6-month period it was tested. Finally, in 2010 the US government’s NIH jumped on the bandwagon and described how giving patients anti-gonadotropins (LH is known as a gonadotropin) directly reduced the amount of neurodegeneration seen…see-
CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets. 2010 Nov;9(5):651-60.
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor system: modulatory role in aging and neurodegeneration.
Another crazy prediction from that 1998 paper was that aging would be controlled at the cellular level by the action of little proteins and/or molecules that cover up your DNA when you are young (like insulation on a copper wire) but are lost with age, allowing expression of pro-aging genes that make you old and sick. Bowles was mercilessly ridiculed for this prediction by the evolutionary biology community because it was well known at the time that aging could never have been selected for by evolution because it prevented the spread of one’s genes! Anyway, what happened? Around 2010 when Stanford’s Thomas Rando published the first paper (after the 1998 paper) suggesting that aging was controlled by epigenetics (just a fancy term for the proteins and molecules that act like insulation and cover your DNA): see-
Exp Gerontol. 2010 Apr;45(4):253-4. doi: 10.1016/j.exger.2009.12.007. Epigenetics and aging.
Rando TA
So, the bottom line is that Bowles has done so much research that his very first Journal article was making correct (and outlandish) predictions about 12 years ahead of everybody else considering the problems.
Since the publication of his first paper, Bowles In 2010, began a series of eBook bestsellers to publish health issues that deal with the problem of healing and aging from an evolutionary perspective. By joining the simple logic of evolution with a large number of diverse facts as well as the results of his 25-year-old private research, Jeff was able to demonstrate a wide range of new, simple and very effective ways to relieve many chronic diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, asthma or age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's and ALS. Jeff was the 1st who could show in a rat experiment (1997-2001) that rats whose water intake is restricted, live significantly longer (even longer than restricting food).
16 Fascinating Covid-19 and Spanish Flu Mysteries Solved! Provides an exciting puzzle for those curious about what makes all pandemics tick. By the end of the book the one factor common to all pandemics-the Achilles heel is revealed.
That first paper “The Evolution of Aging-A New Look at an Old Problem of Biology", was the first ever anywhere to predict that the post age-50 rise in Luteinizing Hormone (a reproduction related hormone) in women and men of 100’s to as much as 1,000% would be found to be the key driver of not only aging, but also Alzheimer’s disease. There was no evidence for this at the time except that ibuprofen use and smoking were both associated with a reduced level of LH, as well as reduced Alzheimer’s disease incidences. Well it turns out that evidence started trickling in, and by the year 2005 a startup company named Voyager Pharmaceuticals spent $50 million testing Lupron in people with Alzheimer’s. Lupron suppresses LH. It worked in a group of 50 women in a Phase II trial. Lupron injections prevented further decline from early Alzheimer’s while the control group declined 6 points on a special scale over the 6-month period it was tested. Finally, in 2010 the US government’s NIH jumped on the bandwagon and described how giving patients anti-gonadotropins (LH is known as a gonadotropin) directly reduced the amount of neurodegeneration seen…see-
CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets. 2010 Nov;9(5):651-60.
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor system: modulatory role in aging and neurodegeneration.
Another crazy prediction from that 1998 paper was that aging would be controlled at the cellular level by the action of little proteins and/or molecules that cover up your DNA when you are young (like insulation on a copper wire) but are lost with age, allowing expression of pro-aging genes that make you old and sick. Bowles was mercilessly ridiculed for this prediction by the evolutionary biology community because it was well known at the time that aging could never have been selected for by evolution because it prevented the spread of one’s genes! Anyway, what happened? Around 2010 when Stanford’s Thomas Rando published the first paper (after the 1998 paper) suggesting that aging was controlled by epigenetics (just a fancy term for the proteins and molecules that act like insulation and cover your DNA): see-
Exp Gerontol. 2010 Apr;45(4):253-4. doi: 10.1016/j.exger.2009.12.007. Epigenetics and aging.
Rando TA
So, the bottom line is that Bowles has done so much research that his very first Journal article was making correct (and outlandish) predictions about 12 years ahead of everybody else considering the problems.
Since the publication of his first paper, Bowles In 2010, began a series of eBook bestsellers to publish health issues that deal with the problem of healing and aging from an evolutionary perspective. By joining the simple logic of evolution with a large number of diverse facts as well as the results of his 25-year-old private research, Jeff was able to demonstrate a wide range of new, simple and very effective ways to relieve many chronic diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, asthma or age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's and ALS. Jeff was the 1st who could show in a rat experiment (1997-2001) that rats whose water intake is restricted, live significantly longer (even longer than restricting food).
16 Fascinating Covid-19 and Spanish Flu Mysteries Solved! Provides an exciting puzzle for those curious about what makes all pandemics tick. By the end of the book the one factor common to all pandemics-the Achilles heel is revealed.